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What is the speed of receiving and sending information?

Communication on the shuttle is based on the PPPoE protocol. This protocol requires a Username and Password. PPPoE passwords can be stored on both modems and operating systems.
If the modem is in PPPoE mode, the settings need to be made in the WAN section.
If the modem is in bridge mode, PPPoE settings must be configured on Windows, in which case it will have only one Internet system.

What is the difference between bit and byte in calculating internet speed?

adasdadad When a subscriber submits a request to the Internet service provider to purchase a high-speed Internet subscription, the service company as a real or legal user (home users or company and organization) according to the amount and proportion of the volume of use, different services with speeds 517, 1024, 2048 and… with a unit of measurement of kilobits per second.
It is important to note that the unit of speed of these services is Kilo bit per second, in which the word bit is denoted by the lowercase English letter b and is displayed as Kbps (kilobits per second).